A is for ANXIETY
By A Priori Press, DBA |
You used to be called “nerves.” Now you have an elevated title: “anxiety.” How hoity-toity of you. No vapors here, no images of Victorian ladies swooning because some beastly fashion ...
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Sylvia Plath described depression as a bell jar stuck over your head, distorting your every experience of the world. I remember reading that description as a kid and not getting ...
Me Too: Sexual Harassment before It was a Thing—or How to Get Chased around a Desk and Survive
By A Priori Press, DBA |
I was 22. It was my first job out of college, as a journalist and PR person in Washington, DC. I made more money and had more perks in this ...
Gem in the Rough—OR, the Sweet Lessons of Aging
By A Priori Press, DBA |
We are all doing it. Getting older, that is. Perhaps we are wondering and curious at the process and results; or scared or bored or contemplative about the prospect, sudden ...
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Plunk-plunk-plunk. Yes, that’s me, sitting at the upright Hamilton piano that I bought for my son’s lessons music eight years ago. He’s playing Mozart these days, and it moves me. ...
FREE Promotion of Silent Bird on Kindle: WHAT FOR?
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Free download on Kindle! In this brave new world of electronic books, this brave new writer actually bought a Kindle. Seems obscene to make one's books available in Kindle and ...
Dear Dad:
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Dear Dad: Two years ago today you died. I don’t know how I feel right now. Numb, mostly, I think, or maybe that’s healing. Grieving seems to be like an ...
Congress Should Write Fiction
By A Priori Press, DBA |
We have a polarized Congress, right? C’mon, there really is no way else to describe it! Polarized. As in, “I see my point of view and not yours,” and “I ...
The Bird Has Flown: My New Book—SILENT BIRD—Has Left the Nest!
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Why would anybody do this? By “this” I mean sit nearly immobilized for 30 hours on a holiday weekend, hands on laptop keys, nose red and congested, with hot drinks ...
Too Much Homework!
By A Priori Press, DBA |
I have a teenager. Anyone else out there in cyberspace got one (or more) of those? Not that I OWN my teenager! Certainly not. How would I figure out how ...