Got Art?—Reflections after “Woman in the Mirror, a Dancer’s Journey”–one-woman show
By A Priori Press, DBA |
The story of Devra Gregory—the fabulous actress billed at San Diego’s Lyceum Theatre as “a professional dancer and Michael Jackson impersonator [who] takes you on a wild ride through her ...
“What would YOU bring during an evacuation?”—an answer from Earthquake / Fire Country
By A Priori Press, DBA |
One of my former roommates had her house smashed by Sandy. Other roommates were without power for a week while I sat in toasty San Diego, staring at frightening images ...
FROM A SAFE PLACE—Musings during a Storm Happening Somewhere Else
By A Priori Press, DBA |
I’m from Long Island but not living there anymore. I’m a New Yorker at heart and manner but a California resident on my driver’s license. Like much of the world ...
“Am I TOO OLD to go Trick-or-Treating?”
By A Priori Press, DBA |
This was my son’s earnest question, asked two days ago. Halloween is next week. He is in ninth grade. He’s been ill for much of this “pumpkin patch season,” as ...
IMITATING THE DOG–My Father’s Humor, Part II
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Pumpernickel trotting happily behind me. My dad, you understand, was short too. It’s in the Menasche genes (or jeans). I mean, my Aunt Mary was a head shorter than my ...
“Why does your face look like that?”–My Father’s Humor, Part I
By A Priori Press, DBA |
On January 22, 2012, my family received the phone call. My dentist-historian-comedian father had died, age 91. He died just four hours after we’d visited his hospital bedside, four hours ...
I’m going to High School! (again)
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Forgive me, my child, for embarrassing you. I can’t help myself. I mean, I’ve worked sixty hours this week, driven on the freeway about eight, cooked and cleaned and shopped ...
10 Ways to Prevent Depression (in Your Dog)
By A Priori Press, DBA |
Your dog is depressed. You know the look. At least I do, especially when I am working a lot and distracted or tired or…well, too busy to pay enough attention ...
The Art of Doing Childhood
By A Priori Press, DBA |
There is an interesting addition to my house these days. I'm sure this observation will not come as a surprise to anyone raising children. But there is, draped on the ...